

Creative direction, content creation, and new business acquisition support for a minority-owned construction company competing for bids on projects with national significance.



Smoot Construction started in the 1940’s as a family brick-laying venture that grew into a multi-regional company undertaking projects of national significance. The company is headquartered in Columbus, OH and expanded to Washington, DC in 1968. Since then, the SmootDC office has won bids on projects such as renovating the Capitol, National Air & Space Museum, and the MLK Jr. Library, as well as building the National African American Art Museum. Despite their numerous achievements and outstanding record of completing their projects under budget and ahead of schedule, Smoot Construction struggled to win larger bids as the lead developer.


Dozens of tenured employees with a habit of using the logo & color variation they prefer rather than the most current one, along with a lack of supervision and direction in social media and bid proposal design practices led to a brand that appeared disjointed at many touch points. Creating a system to empower all employees proved futile when they didn’t respect the significance of modern-day branding. A company-wide attitude of “if it isn’t broken, why fix it” prevented any meaningful changes from sticking for long as employees reverted to their old habits sooner or later.


I worked with Chrystal Stowe, Smoot’s Director of Development, to align the Smoot Construction Ohio brand with the D.C. branch, establish a cohesive social media strategy, and design & produce content that complements a redesigned construction bid proposal strategy. We limited ownership of all public and internal branding touchpoints to my creative and Chrystal's approval in order to ensure that up-to-date logos, fonts, and stylized photography was used. From there, I designed bid proposals, employee manuals and posters, social media content, and photographed staff as well as produced brand videos.

Brand Alignment


I improved Smoot's construction bid proposal template by utilizing a grid system for editorial layout and utilizing color and type for better visual hierarchy and brand alignment.
One of the strongest improvements to Smoot's proposal bids was to recreate the way that charts are designed. From simple organizational charts to complex site layouts, better charts meant better brand alignment.


From the outset of the pandemic, construction companies were exempt from most lockdowns as an essential business. This exception required employers to abide by and communicate working regulations that were constantly changing. I created internal and external messaging that followed consistent design language to maintain Smoot's brand and safety record.

Video & Social Media


I worked with Smoot leadership to identify relevant topics and key staff for producing branded video content. From technical safety videos to people profiles, creating this content helped promote and further align the Smoot brand online.


I created carousels with COVID-19 updates, employee promotions, and holiday acknowledgements on behalf of Smoot in addition to managing their LinkedIn account.


With proposals redesigned and social media revamped, we had time and energy to begin producing videos showing the real family atmosphere and community building that happens at Smoot. This new media content helped Smoot present a modern brand to modern-day stakeholders in the public and private sector, providing the “packaging” Smoot needed to expand North-East into the Boston area.